Why Luxury Vinyl Care is Important
Regular luxury vinyl floor care is essential for preserving the beauty and durability of your floors. By following proper maintenance practices, you can reduce the risk of scratches, dents, and other damage, ensuring that your luxury vinyl floors continue to look their best for years to come.

Routine Luxury Vinyl Care
- Sweep or dust mop regularly: Remove dirt and debris from your luxury vinyl floors daily using a soft-bristled broom or dust mop.
- Damp mop: Mop your luxury vinyl floors with a damp mop and a mild floor cleaner. Avoid using excessive water.
- Use entryway mats: Place mats at all entryways to trap dirt and debris before it can be tracked onto your floors.
- Remove shoes: Encourage people to remove their shoes before entering your home to prevent dirt and grit from scratching your floors.
- Use furniture pads: Place furniture pads under the legs of heavy furniture to prevent scratches and indentations.
Luxury Vinyl Spills & Stains
- Act quickly: The sooner you address a spill or stain, the easier it will be to remove.
- Blot, don't rub: Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can push the stain deeper into the luxury vinyl flooring. Instead, gently blot the stain with a clean, absorbent cloth.
- Consult your manufacturer's guide: Refer to your luxury vinyl flooring manufacturer's guide for specific cleaning instructions and recommended products.
- Avoid harsh chemicals: Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the finish of your luxury vinyl flooring. Opt for mild, luxury vinyl-safe cleaning solutions.